Speaking of Movies – Day One

So this is my first ever blog.  It’s a little scary but here goes…

I love movies.  I love figuring out the plots, recognizing actors – especially when they’re well-disguised, being surprised, escaping, getting insights – I could really go on about the gifts movies give me.   I especially love to talk about movies with someone.  Getting caught up in reminiscing about what I love or hate or just notice about a film keeps the magic of it alive for me.

So I decided to start this blog to have a place to talk about movies and hear from others who love movies.  Warning:  This is not a blog to review or rate films and while I may talk about current run films that get to me in some way, that’s not my focus.  This is just a place to share my favorite movies, movie moments and why.

OK, I thought I’d feel more comfortable after a couple (literally) of paragraphs but I’m still uncomfortable.  Who cares about what I think?  Do I really think my observations are that unique?  And since my deepest passion is for old black and whites and Hollywood’s Golden Age films and stars, hasn’t it all been said before?

Yeah, these questions intimidate me but I’m going it anyway.  I just want to talk about movies and hear from anyone out there who just wants to talk about movies too.  If you’re bored already, there are probably many other fun things you could be doing or reading about so please feel free to go skydive, cook a gourmet meal, write your own novel, read a more interesting blog or best yet, watch your own favorite film.  If you’re still interested, cool, let’s talk!

I got the idea to start this blog when I realized I just wanted to share a movie with someone.  My husband likes movies and he’s starting to get into some classics too but his tastes don’t run to musicals and is probably more into reruns of “Breaking Bad” than “Bringing Up Baby.”  I usually wait til he’s off doing his own thing before I queue something up but even though I can watch my favorites over and over and still catch something unexpected, without someone to share them, it feels a bit hollow.

A girlfriend and I were having dinner and started talking about riverboats.  She grew up  near an historical launching site and they held special fascination and romance for her.  I mentioned that she must love “Showboat” and she admitted she had never seen it!  We decided then and there on a movie night to watch it together.  We had so much fun laughing, singing along, crying and most of all and discussing our impressions of this film that we decided to make Movie Night a regular occurrence and we’re about to have our 3rd episode tomorrow night.

So to keep this magic going, I decided to start this conversation and keep talking about movies.  Uh oh, my wonderful spouse just came home with deli sandwiches so I’ll come back later to talk about the movie…thanks for listening!

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